Picture this: sinking into a bathtub that not only pampers your tired muscles but also pleases your aesthetic senses. It’s not ceramic, it’s not marble. It’s wood and epoxy – a surprisingly splendid duo that’s changing the bathtub game in the quirkiest way possible.

As you step closer, your eye is instantly drawn to the intricate designs within the epoxy. From the majestic mountain ranges to the lush forests, and delicate floral patterns, it’s like diving into a different scene each time you take a bath. It’s nature’s masterpiece in the comfort of your home.

And the wood? It’s not just any wood. These bathtubs are crafted with live edge wood which makes each edge undeniably unique.

That raw, unrefined look adds an earthy, natural touch making it seem as if Mother Nature herself decided to sculpt a spa for you.

You’d think such a masterpiece is just a showpiece. But, no! These wooden wonders are perfect for bathing. Just imagine soaking in a cozy wooden embrace with the soft glow of candlelight reflecting off the epoxy designs.

Serenity at its best. But hey, if you want to keep it dry and show it off as a functional piece of art, nobody’s stopping you!

Now, if you’re thinking, “Is my tub twin out there?” Not a chance! Every tub is a singular sensation, handcrafted with love and imagination.

No two are identical, just as no two snowflakes are the same. It’s a one-off creation every time.

Luxury bathroom or avant-garde art gallery? With these tubs, you won’t be able to tell. They are undeniably the pièce de résistance in any restroom. Guests would find excuses to visit the loo, just to sneak a peek and maybe even start a conversation around it. “Oh, this old tub? It’s just a wooden wonder with a touch of the Rockies inside,” you’d nonchalantly reply.

Size does matter! These beauties can range, and depending on which one steals your heart, you might find yourself with a compact 4-footer or a sprawling 7-foot marvel. With each one measuring differently, it truly becomes a personalized experience.

So, who would covet such an opulent oddity? The individual with a taste for the unique. Someone who’s not just content with the mundane, but is constantly seeking the extraordinary in the everyday.

The person who doesn’t just see a bathtub, but an experience, a statement, and a testament to their individuality.

And where, you ask, would these tubs fit best? Think bohemian or rustic chic. A bathroom draped in soft neutral tones, punctuated with pops of green from potted plants. The mix of nature with industrial or vintage fixtures would contrast and complement this wood-epoxy wonder.

But truth be told, they’re versatile. Whether it’s an ultra-modern space craving a touch of earthiness or a traditional setting looking for a twist, this tub would slide right in and steal the show.

So, if you’re someone seeking an extreme bathroom makeover, look no further. It’s not just a tub, it’s a tale. A story of nature, craftsmanship, and a dash of whimsy, all waiting to be filled with water and your relaxed self.

Before you start questioning the universe on why you didn’t know of this sooner, remember, good things (or in this case, quirky tubs) come to those who wait. And now that you’re in the know, it’s time to add a splash of wood and epoxy magic to your bath-time routine.

Till then, keep bubbling with excitement! And who knows, maybe the next scene you dive into could be a serene beach sunset or the vast expanse of the cosmos, all within the confines of your quirky, wood-epoxy tub. Dive in!

Mitchell Williams
Monday 11th of March 2024
I Love ❤️ your Epoxy/crafted wood 🛁 tubs!!! Where can I find the price?
robert roybal
Tuesday 13th of February 2024
Tuesday 28th of November 2023
Crazy i do resin work have been for yrars those tubs are out of this world you guys and girls have some talent. This is my next project. Thank you
Tuesday 21st of November 2023
Wow ! I'm speechless!
Tuesday 17th of October 2023
Your tubs are breathtaking!